This is a warm and welcoming school where pupils feel safe and valued. Caring relationships exist between staff and pupils and among pupils. Pupils say, ‘Everyone knows everyone and we all look after each other.’ Ofsted.
I would like to wish you a warm welcome to our school. I am extremely proud to be the Principal of a school that welcomes everyone with open arms. From the first time I visited and every day since, I have been greeted by the smiling faces of our wonderful eager children. Not a day goes by without a child excitedly wanting to share their learning and talk about what they have been doing. They really do encapsulate the Smile, Strive and Shine motto of the school.
As a parent, you want your child to feel safe at school and to know that they are recognised as individuals. The staff at Smallthorne work tirelessly to make sure that each and every child is supported and nurtured to reach their potential and develop their own unique talents. It is delightful as a Principal to see the relationships and care provided by such a dedicated team.
Every child deserves access to a world class curriculum that allows them to grow, explore, question and understand. Our aim is to make sure that teaching and learning at Smallthorne allows children to grow spiritually, morally, culturally and intellectually. We want them to see themselves as global citizens who have the ambition to see the world around them as a place full of opportunities. High expectations and a relentless focus on engaging and enjoyable lessons mean that we can provide our children with the education they deserve.
Tina Steele
Smallthorne Primary Academy
Chetwynd Street,
© 2021 Smallthorne Primary Academy
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